Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1765.09.06

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Index Entry Burden, Sing tantararara, burn all, of lyric [beg] He who for a post 
Location Newport 
6 Sep 1765:22,23,31 (465)
Boston, September 2.  Extract of a letter from a gentleman
in Newport, Rhode-Island, to one in this town, Aug. 29.
. . . [17 lines, 41 more lines, about effigies hung up in
Boston to protest the Stamp Act]
  On one of the posts out of reach, whoever attempts, in any
way whatsoever, to render ineffectual this mark of public
contempt, will be deem'd an enemy to liberty, and incur the
resentment of the town.--On the other, at the same height,
the following song,
  He who for a post, or base sordid Pelf,
  His country betrays, makes a rope for himself;
  Of this an example before you we bring,
  In these infamous rogues, who in effigy swing.
. . . [3 more verses]
Chorus,--Sing Tantarara, burn all, burn all, Sing Tantarara,
burn all.
  These effigies having hung till night, they were then cut
down and burnt under the gallows, amidst the acclamations of
the people; which being done, they returned very orderly to
their respective homes.
. . . [24 lines, 14 lines]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1765.09.06 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0023708
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